On October 9th 2019, the City of Kutina signed an agreement of co-financing new employments/self-employments, specializations supports and/or further education and seasonal employments in agriculture in Kutina in 2019.
Ante Knezović, member of the City’s Economy Board, stated that ‘’it is in the city’s best interest that as many new entrepreneurs as possible begin developing their enterprises and the City of Kutina endeavours to help them.’’
To directly influence entrepreneurship and craftsmansships development, ie raise the number of employees in businesses and crafts, and on the part of social and service activities/professions, the City of Kutina allocates grants to support new employments and additional specializations/educations for certain professions, as with the employers which have the need of employing seasonal workers in agriculture.
Hrvoje Krmelić, Head of the City’s Economy, Entrepreneurship and Development Department said that the ‘’co-financing assets have been provided in the City’s budget within the amount of 400 000 kuna. An invitation to tender for allocating grants has been issued and the closing day for entries is October 31st 2019. I invite all of those who meet the requirements of the tender to enter for the measure.’’ The co-financing measure lasts from 2012, and in the previous year only, grants have been allocated to 35 employers for 45 newly employed persons: 20 newly employed and 25 self-employed persons.

Grants are being allocated to 17 entrepreneurs and craftsmen in the total amount of 172 200 kn for 8 newly employed, 10 self-employed and 1 additional education. Marijana Rupčić, owner of Pinky trade, expressed her gratitude over the employment help and support. Dalibor Baković, owner of EMB – Baković, is satisfied with the City’s business atmosphere. ‘’I am self-employed now, there are work possibilities in Kutina, working climate being excellent. Offers are coming and I hope to employ one or two people next year. People should indeed stay and work in Kutina, and these supports really help people to work better and faster’’, he said.

‘’The City of Kutina allocates 5 million kuna a year of its budget to help develop city’s economy through various supports and measures; it is at the disposal of everyone who wants to develop their business. We are mostly oriented at the development of business zones where we endeavour in bringing as many investors as we can. On this occasion, I invite all of those interested in expanding their activities to do that within business zones with large benefits that can help you with your business start-up. I congratulate all of you who dared with their business start-up and I wish you a lot of success’’, Zlatko Babić, mayor of Kutina, stated.