A Grant Allocation Agreement to implement measures of economy development in Kutina area has been signed at Kutina City Hall on grounds of Grant Allocation Program of co-financing new employments / self-employments in Kutina, specializations supports and / or additional education and seasonal employment in agriculture in Kutina in 2018.

This is the second round of signing incentive support measures by which 183 450 kuna has been paid off to 18 entrepreneurs and craftsmen from Kutina. 450 000 kuna will be provided for them in the second round of payment. 29 entrepreneurs have applied to tender for the support, where 26 of them were successful in the application and the rest of the applicants will get the support following budget amending, since the amount overtops the planned assets.

”Incentive support measures for entrepreneurs have turned out to be very efficient, we show interest in them, young population is growing which happens to be in accordance with our goal to keep young families in Kutina. This year, the City of Kutina has responded to 45 requests for using employment and self-employment support measures which overtops 450 000 HRK planned in the budget, nevertheless, following the budget amending the rest of the requests shall also be positively resolved”, mayor Zlatko Babić stated and explained this being a part of direct measures of supporting entrepreneurs in Kutina. The City of Kutina invests a total of 3,5 million kuna a year into city’s economic development together with all other measures. ”We endeavour in creating a favourable business environment. We are expanding business zones and putting the Industrial-Logistics Zone into function. We try to help entrepreneurs deal with administrative barriers by counselling through the Development Agency RA Mrav”, mayor Babić added.

Chairman of the City’s Economy Board Marijan Balaško explained that entrepreneurs could use a great deal of these assets to develop their businesses, although it’s not a very high amount of money. ”It’s not easy to develop a business, therefore we shall be taking into account that all of those who applied for support shall also get it”, Balaško stated.

Head of city’s economy Hrvoje Krmelić mentioned incentive measures in tourism that are part of direct support measures for which 50 000 kuna is planned. 6 requests have been received and 5 of them meet the requirements of the bidding. 3 support measures will be paid off, while the rest of the 2 requests will get the support after amending budget. ”For the need of tourism development in Kutina, we should create tourist infrastructure which means developing accommodation capacities and includes agro-tourism”, Krmelić stated. He reminded that the subsidies for young people up to 29 years of age have been 50% increased and that this measure is aimed at the decrease among the unemployed people at the Employment Bureau.

Valerija Ciban, who started a sewing business, is among the entrepreneurs. ”I am extremely satisfied with this measure. I have always desired to start a business of my own, but I hadn’t been brave enough. Now that the opportunity has been created, I don’t see myself doing nothing else but exactly what I wanted. I will invest money purposefully, possibly into taking a master’s exam”, Valerija Ciban stated.

Lucija Sluka, owner of a ”Studio Glam on” beauty parlour also expressed her gratitude for the City’s employment support.